Donate to Panther Prowl 2024
The Prowl is fun for everyone!
Established in 2006, our Panther Prowl Walk-A-Thon is a record-setting success year after year! Tired of years of wrapping paper and pizza fundraisers with few results, PSO Board member, Lisa Ashmus, began researching new ways to boost organization revenue. Paris School's Panther Prowl Walk-a-Thon made its debut that year and raised $10,000--greatly exceeding all expectations!
All these years later, our Panther Prowl remains Paris School's largest "fun-draiser," engaging students, families, staff, and our community in a healthy and fun way to support our school. Panther Prowl season begins with a kick-off assembly followed by students embracing the responsibility of gathering pledges and walking for a pre-determined amount of time at school on event day. Our Paris School teachers create unique classroom projects for silent auction bidding and our planning team organizes festivities operated by parent and staff volunteers on Prowl Day:
- Silent auction including one-of-a-kind classroom projects
- 50/50 raffles
- A Pig Roast
- Bake sale supported by Paris School families
- Amazing concessions
- Great music
- Sponge toss at school staff
- Appearances by school mascot Parry Panther
As families and friends gather to cheer on our walkers each October, we are thankful and proud that Paris School is part of a generous and caring community that believes in and supports K-8 education! We thank our 2024 Premier Sponsors for providing event t-shirts for our Prowl participants each year and for ensuring that 100% of Prowl proceeds directly benefit our kids and classrooms!
Panther Prowl season wraps up with a celebration assembly featuring our grand total reveal, prize announcements, and students covering staff volunteers with Silly String and shaving cream pies!
- Timber Ridge Resort Waterpark package
- Classroom pizza parties sponsored by the PSO
- Cookie Painting parties sponsored by Burgess Baking Company
- Classroom ice cream parties sponsored by PSO
- Mystery bulletin board
- Panther Prowl Spirit Day
- Participant event day prize drawings
- Participant celebration assembly prize drawings
Panther Prowl 2024 proceeds total: $58,747!